Monday, May 25, 2015


As many of you have probably figured out by now, I love Guatemala. When I am here, I miss my family and friends back home but I love this place. I am pretty sure that Heaven will be a lot like it without all of the noise, pollution and corruption. What I am saying it that the mountains and much of the Latin Culture draw me in. I know that God has created me for a place like this. There are some things that are challenging but they are nothing compared to the love of God has put in my heart for Guatemala.

We do many different things and I have written about all of them at one time or another, things like stove building, house construction, the Food Machine, outreach and evangelism events and I love them all. Of the things that we do though I love the schools and Church construction the most. While the other things all help individuals or families, these two things have the power to transform a community. As people begin to understand that God created them with a purpose and in His image, they no longer want to settle for just getting by. They want to do something with their lives that impacts the world. Educated people who know that they are created with purpose and in God's image can transform a country. That is the goal of the Churches and schools.

Right now, Guatemala is in a difficult time. Violence has seemed to be on the rise recently. There are bus driver shootings and other murders being reported in the paper almost every day. The government is also in a state of turmoil. The vice president was forced to resign a couple of weeks ago because she has been tied to a corruption and bribery scandal that was led by her personal secretary, who is still on the run. Many other people have also been  named in this scandal, the head of banking, the director of SAT (the national taxing body) The customs director and numerous other government officials. There have been protests every weekend for the last month in several locations calling for an outside investigation and the resignation of the president. To date he has denied any wrongdoing or knowledge of the involvement of several cabinet members.

The schools and Churches need to be at the forefront of change in this country. Pastor Merari and others have had a vision to see that happen and has been working, along with other pastors, Church staff, Kid's Alive International  and short term teams to see that happen.  Bringing the light of Jesus into the lives of kids and their families is the reason the schools exist. In Zapote, it is going very well. The school at Membrillal is not doing as well right now unfortunately. That is something I want to ask you all to be praying about.

Each year, the schools grow by adding one class. The kids that start will be able to continue in the school until 8th grade. Last year Membrillal had 1st through 4th grade. This year a 5th grade class was added. That added about 20 new students and a new teacher. There were some unsponsored students last year and now there are more because of the addition of an extra class. The sponsorship cover almost all of the expenses for a student if they are fully sponsored. Right now there are about 30 students that need sponsors. That is putting a serious financial strain on the operation of the school. We need to change this situation soon. It is critical for the school to be able to continue to enhance the lives of the students and to be an instrument of change in Guatemala.

I love these kids and the impact the the school is having on their lives and on their families. Next year we are suppose to add another class but that is going to take some people getting involved and sponsoring children. I am asking you to do three things.

  1. Pray that God would bring in all of the needed funds. Ultimately it is His school and we are just stewards of His property and the children.
  2. Pray about what, if anything, God would have you to do personally. Maybe He is calling you to make a one time gift or to sponsor a child. I do not know who gives and do not want you to feel pressure from me but I am asking you to ask God if you are called to help financially.
  3. Share this blog post. If many people read and pray, God will move the hearts of the ones that He has called. Share it on facebook and email it to friends. Got the word out.
Thank you for being obedient, however God calls you to respond. You are all greatly appreciated.

This does not have anything to do with my own personal support, it is only for the schools at Membrillal. I want to thank you for those that have generously supported me while in my time here. You are a blessing and I am eternally grateful for your partnership in the work God has called me to.

If you want to support the school copy and past this link or you can click on His Hand above in the links tab and give through this organization. They are one of the two partner organizations that we are working with to find sponsorships for all of our children.

You can still support me by mailing checks to
Life Church, Morris
C/O Guatemala Missions
P.O. Box 679 
Morris, IL 60450 

Thursday, May 7, 2015


I have been thinking about something for a few days now and I believe  that God has put it on my heart but along with this idea, I have heard a 1,000 excuses in my mind. I am not ready to share the idea just yet because I need to talk to a few people and also I need to ask God to more fully develop it so I know what the next step to take will be. What I want to share right now is the issues that try and rob a God given vision.

When I started to think about this thing that God was putting in my heart, I got excited. It would open doors for many that right now seem to be closed. After my excitement, I got hit with reality. This would cost a lot of money and would require a big time investment from many people. I got frustrated at the difficulties that were ahead and wanted to complain and run away. I let the idea begin to die before Holy Spirit had a chance to develop it in me. I know that it was from God but I also knew that I felt far short of the task.

God began to speak to me about His Kingdom yesterday. In Matt 6 and Luke 12, Jesus tells us that the Father knows what we need and that we should not spend our time chasing after these things. He continues on to tell us to seek His Kingdom and He will take care of our needs. In Matt 16, He goes on to tell us that He is building His Church (Kingdom) and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it.. It sounds like God has a plan for all that needs to be done and He has provision to make it happen.. I need faith to step into the plan.

What I am realizing is that it is God's job to direct us, provide the resources for the work and provide for our needs as we walk in obedience to Him. My job is to become intimate with His voice and to obey what He directs. If I am trying to figure out all of the logistics of a thing, I am stepping into His territory. My plans keep me form His best, His provision and His prosperity. I can get my best and come far short of what He intends. I do not want that.

When we pray the Lord's Prayer, we pray "Your kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven." but do we mean it. In Heaven their is one agenda, the purpose of God. We often want to direct God into our purposes to act according to our will. If we want His Kingdom manifested in our town, country or even the world, we have to lay down our agenda and work on His. The good news is that when we do this, he is responsible for providing the needs of money, workers and resources. In Heaven there is no shortage of anything. His Kingdom manifest on earth also has no shortage even though we might not always understand how He supplies or may have to wait on His timing to receive it.

I am not talking about a prosperity Gospel. To often that is about the kingdom of self. God has not interest in or intent to build my kingdom. He fully intends to build His kingdom and when we set our hearts and minds on obeying His direction in that call, He will pour the resources of Heaven into that endeavor. He is building His Church (Kingdom) and nothing can stop that. Our choice is to get on board His plan and get to see it happen or to fight for our own plans and get crushed at the point where the Kingdom of God is in conflict with the world.

What I am realizing is the only thing that stops me from walking in God's plan is my own agenda. God is moving with me or without me. The idea He put in my head will happen but I may not get to be part of it. I guess it is time to embrace the work of the cross, let my own plans and agenda die and get on board with what God is about to do.

I want Your Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven. Teach me to seek that daily instead of my own desires  and plans Jesus. Your plans and your Kingdom rule are better.