How do I know what I was called to do? First we have to have a relationship with the Creator. Who but the one that designed us would know what we were made for. Without Jesus, we may stumble along and find our passion but we will never find our destiny. They are tied together but are not the same thing. Our passion gives us power and vision for our work but our destiny will cause our work to impact the lives of people for eternity. We will enjoy working in our passion but we will find fulfillment in our destiny. Obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit will bring these two together.
Today, did you get up with a sense of purpose and destiny? Do you feel like your life will matter long after you are gone? Did you dread getting out of bed to face another long tedious day? That is not what God created you to do. Ask Him how to escape the rat race and walk into purpose and destiny. I am not telling everyone to quit their jobs. Some of you are working 9 to 5 and are exactly where God created you to be. Where you are is impacting people for His Kingdom. Some of you are in ministry and hate what you are doing. You chose a career because you believed the lie of sacred vs secular and now feel like a failure or disappointment because you want out. All of our labor is to be as an act of worship to God but it can only be worship if we are there in obedience to His plan for our lives.

I know that I am here because God has called me to be. Sometimes I worry about what the future will be. I am dependent on things beyond my control like finances. I do not have the material possessions and resources that I had when I worked at a regular job. I no longer have a 401 K. I am not sure about what I will be doing tomorrow but I know I am to be here today. I believe that God has me here and the proof is that He keeps putting it on people's hearts to support the work I do but even more, He keeps producing fruit and I get to rejoice at seeing it and knowing that He is working through all of our inadequate efforts to grow His Kingdom all around us. I am grateful for how God is using my life and pray that today you can say the same thing. If not, ask Him to help you set a new direction, one that will cause you to be on the path of purpose and destiny.
This year, many of you have supported me and the work that we are doing here in Guatemala and I am eternally grateful. Next year I am praying that will continue and increase. We will be doing more work and my personal needs still exist. It is coming to the point where I really need to get reliable transportation and will eventually need to find a place to live, though that could be quite a ways down the road yet. Pray for me and for our work. My financial goal for me next year is $17,000. This is much higher because it includes the purchase of a vehicle. I would also love to raise $15,000 for the school at Membrillal to finish next year strong financially. I will be writing about these things more in the coming weeks and will tell you more about how you can be involved. For now, if you would like to help me personally, you can send support to
Life Church Morris
C/O Guatemala Missions Fund
P.O. Box 679
Morris, IL 60450
The pictures have little to do with our work this year but they are just some fun ones that I liked and thought that you may enjoy as well.
Soon I will be telling you how you can help the school and the students for next year.
Thank you all
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