Dear Life Church Family,

I will be
leaving for Guatemala again on Jan 18 to begin work immediately. We will be
hosting about 14 groups and working with 2 others this year. We have
approximately 28 weeks of work on the schedule as of now and there are sure to
be a few changes and additions as the year progresses. I will be returning home
in late March most likely for about 3 weeks and then returning for 6 to 8 more
We will be doing
much the same work as last year. We will continue with house and stove
construction. We still have work to complete on both schools and the Church in
Membrillal. We will continue to work on the Food Machine in Zapote. We will also work with medical teams as well in both villages. Our desire is to find projects that will help people become self sufficient and allow us to proclaim the Gospel to them.
We never know what a year will bring and there are always lots of surprises but we are looking forward with eager anticipation.
As for me, I am
behind on my fundraising. I need to raise about $3,000 by Jan 11 before I leave
to cover some expenses. I have received about $1,000 so far and half of that
has gone to my initial airfare. I will also need to buy a roundtrip ticket in
March before I return. I have set a goal
of $12,000 this year for my personal expenses. I set the amount at that because
that is the amount needed for a resident visa. Though I love to come back here,
it would be more convenient to do in my timing rather than the Guatemalan
governments. I also am looking to raise $5,000 extra for a car. It would
probably cost around $8,000 for a reliable vehicle and I figure that there
should be about $3,000 that I could spare from the $12,000 because I do not
have rent yet. This is the best year to buy a car because next year I will have
the extra expenses of rent and utilities.
I am asking you
to consider partnering with me in this ministry this year. In order to raise
the needed funds, I am looking for 20 monthly individual supporters and 3 or 4
monthly supporting Churches. I also want you to consider Jean, Lauren and Annie
and the work they too will be doing in Guatemala. If God leads you to support
them instead, that is great. Mostly I want to ask you to pray for us and get
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